In 2020, the only constant has been change. The way we've done things has been put to the ultimate stress test. New questions as to what the new normal will be continues to grow daily.What we see is that while things have changed, they have also really emphasized the importance of something foundational: surround yourself with the right people, and you can get through anything. The people we are surrounded by at Forward Level are also the reason why even a global pandemic can shake us, but will never break us.Our priority has always been moving our people forward, whether that’s our team, the clients we love working with, or the community of people that surround us. We always have intention behind our choices, because every person that surrounds us makes Forward Level what it is and allows us to deliver on our promises. It shapes our growth and the choices we make to remain focused on our purpose to move forward.Our people have stepped up in countless ways. Despite suddenly finding themselves working in a new reality, our team has taken it upon themselves to make sure we don’t miss a beat. They have found ways to make things work and have constantly demonstrated their desire to be in the arena as a team, delivering for our clients and each other. We have seen tremendous highs, incredible collaboration, and true leadership from every single member of our team. This also extends to the people we consider an extension of our team, our advisors, our partners in HR, IT, bookkeeping, and accounting who have all kept us running smoothly during a pretty challenging time.Our clients have stood by us and continue to invest in marketing to keep their businesses moving forward. They understand the long-term importance and impact marketing can have on a business. Our clients have done everything they can to protect and keep their internal teams intact, as they understand that at their core, their people are what make them who they are.There is also our network of people that have always been our supporters and continue to connect us with other great people, opportunities, and ideas because they believe in our purpose. It has been exciting to see the level of sharing and trust that exists in this great community.And most importantly, the people we call family. They have always been our greatest supporters. They’re the reason we’re able to do what we do, and also the reason why we do what we do. They have brought stability, support, and are the inspiration that keeps us focused on continuously moving forward.So as we give thanks this year, Forward Level would like to thank every single person connected in some way to us, past or present. You have shaped who we are today, and who we continuously strive to be.Thank you!